Good morning, channel partners. Here are five technology news updates, insights, chatter, gossip and more to start your day for Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015.
Actually, this blog includes 17 entries for VARs, managed services providers (MSPs) and IT service providers to sip on. Why so many entries? Because we're spoiled by the tips and insights you send me ([email protected]).
17. New Deal: PlanetOne Communications, focused on IT and telecom connectivity, has joined the Partner Network for Rackspace partner program. PlanetOne channel partners gain access to Rackspace’s portfolio of cloud services, the duo said.

15. Deeper Details: Marco LaVecchia, VP of channel sales for AVG North America, is set to give me a call today. I expect to discuss the latest Managed Workplace release for MSPs. And plenty more...
14. Cisco Routers Get Hacked: Here are the details. If I was an MSP, I'd start an automated security newsletter -- or at least include security-related content in my existing newsletter. You don't need to spread FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt). But it's fair game to consistently remind your customers that they need your managed security services.
13. New/Enhanced Partner Programs: Names to watch include NexGen Storage Priority Program and Galileo Discovery Partner Program.

12. Big Data Expert Leads Citrix Channel: Citrix named Kimberly Martin VP of partner strategy and sales. She's a Hadoop channel veteran, which means Martin should bring more analytics and big data knowhow into the IT channel.
11. Channel Partner Program Database: More than 100 technology companies (hardware, software, cloud and more) are listed in ChannelE2E's Channel Partner Programs Database. It takes about 5 minutes to get listed... allowing channel partners to find your company far more easily.

10. Looking to Develop a Partner Program?: Perks has some interesting views on channel incentives and loyalty. And startups like GetChanneled can act like a virtual channel chief to get you rolling. More on those companies -- and others -- in the days ahead.
9. Managed Security Services: Secure Infrastructure & Services (SIAS), an MSP, has launched a partner portal to help engage VARs and peer MSPs that want to promote cloud-based services. Memo to Director of Partner Development Brad Askew: Tell Me More.

8. The App Economy and Service Providers: Actually, let's call it the application economy. Reason? Numerous developers and channel partners think apps are sexy -- but that means some forget about the lucrative opportunity with full-blown application integration, management and API projects involving server-based apps (on-premises, hybrid and off in the cloud). Ken Vanderweel (pictured), CA Technologies's senior director for service provider solutions marketing, shared some high-level application economy thoughts with me a few days ago. It's nearly time for a deeper dive...
7. Oracle Reality Check: The company's latest quarterly results involved strong profits -- but top-line revenue was weaker than expected. The challenge -- for Oracle, IBM, HP and so many others -- is a familiar one: Even as Oracle's Cloud Computing business ramps up, it chips away at traditional hardware sales and software licenses.
6. Memo to CNN: New moderator. Please. Plus: Can we get some questions that don't start with, "A candidate said this about you or your policy. Can you please offer an inflammatory response that triggers an emotional outburst from your rivals?" Kudos to Carly for taking the high road when the loaded questions came her way. I've never been a Fiorina fan. I think she messed up HP on a number of fronts. But maybe the boardroom wars back at HP have prepared her to navigate the nonsense in Washington...

5. Google Glass Reboot: The wearable device project has a new name (Aura) and some new talent -- recruited from Amazon. Hmmm... Glass was the worst $1,000 I've ever spent on an IT device. The Amazon Fire smartphone could have been a close second -- but I was wise enough not to ask my wife for permission to buy Fire, even when it hit the discount rack.
4. Big Broadband Deal: A European conglomerate just acquired Cablevision for $17.7 billion. One request: Somebody please acquire the New York Rangers and New York Knicks from the Dolan family -- founders of Cablevision...
3. Three Strikes: If there's one lesson from the past 15 years at HP it's this: Do not pursue really big M&A deals. Compaq? Ugh. Autonomy? Ouch. And the full extent of the EDS misstep is just emerging now -- amid the latest round of big layoffs at HP. The Wall Street Journal put it well: HP pursued manpower just as the IT world was shifting to automation. This is a familiar theme: HP pursued Compaq and more hardware just as the world of cloud and mobile were emerging...

2. Laughable Headline: Well, sometimes the Journal gets it wrong. This headline is an example: "H-P Layoffs Enabled By Automation." Can we flip the headline? Automation -- across the IT market -- forced HP's layoffs. Whether HP Enterprise can execute with fewer people remains to be seen.
1. Thank You: I hope I say that often enough. It's good to be back -- addressing the channel in a new way. And for those who stumbled onto ChannelE2E, here's some context about our Sept. 15, 2015, site launch.
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