Sales and marketing, Sales and marketing

11 Local Internet Marketing Tips


If you have a business, you probably consider at least part of that business “local” because there is a community that interacts with your business. Even a business that is completely online has a local element because the employees live somewhere, right? Most businesses could do a lot more in creating local links — and Casey Meraz has just given us 11 Ways for Local Businesses to Get Links on the Moz Blog.

Here is his list for links that will drive referral traffic, build brand visibility, and build your reputation:

  1. create controversy and get in the news
  2. get contest nomination links
  3. get eco-friendly links
  4. sponsor a meet-up group
  5. host a community event
  6. sponsor or donate to local clubs or organizations
  7. offer discounts for students, teachers, military, seniors, etc.
  8. create and promote a local resource
  9. get manufacturer and wholesaler links
  10. build relationships with local influencers
  11. leverage business relationships

Of course, each of those suggestions comes with a nice paragraph or two telling you how it could be accomplished. After you are done reading this post you’ll find some great advice on Moz. But before you go, consider this point...

Local Marketing Is Like Trying To Sell To Your Family

Your family thinks they know you because there’s been a lot of time spent with you around. So whether or not you are still that kid who was rude to Aunt Erma, there’s a reputation that has been built up because you never talked to her at the family potlucks. So if you are going to sell something to Aunt Erma, you have to get past her opinion of you first.

A business that has been in a location for a while without being involved in the community might have to do some reputation management research and find out what the community’s opinion is about that business. Understanding how your community sees your business will help when you strategize how to build these links.

Each idea on the list can help a community change their mind about your business, just like having conversations with Aunt Erma can change her mind about the kid who was rude at the potluck. Local internet marketing is simply working on having a more effective conversation with the people at your table.

Caroline Melberg, founder of Small Business Mavericks, is an online marketing strategist with more than two decades of experience. Read her ChannelE2E contributions here.