
When to Switch Your PSA or RMM Software

Author: Jeff Bishop, CPO, ConnectWise
Author: Jeff Bishop, chief product officer, ConnectWise

With 2021 around the corner and something resembling a light at the end of the tunnel (let’s hope it’s not the headlights of an oncoming semi), it’s time to reevaluate your tools and processes.

It's the same advice you give to your customers: to utilize the latest and greatest technology and processes to take their business to the next level. While it’s often easier to give advice than it is to follow it, your tech stack should be no exception. To take your business to new heights, it’s critical that you have the right technology that truly works for your business goals.

“If we don’t change, we don’t grow.” Gail Sheehy

Knowing When It’s Time to Switch

LinkedIn: Paul Tomlinson, IT Lab
Jim-Barry Behar, president, Relentless Solutions

If you’re asking yourself, “How do I know when it’s time to switch my PSA?” or “How do I know when it’s time to switch my RMM?” it’s probably time. At times we hold on to things in business (and in life) for too long. While your current process may be “good,” good is the enemy of great.

After twelve years of using the same remote monitoring and management (RMM) and professional services automation (PSA) solutions, Mirus IT knew they needed to make a change. Their old systems lacked third-party integration capabilities that made basic operations a hassle. With the switch to the ConnectWise platform, Mirus IT has the integration capabilities they were looking for.

“Because of the way the tools integrate, it has allowed us to become more efficient in what we’re doing—allowing us to deliver better service to our clients,” says Paul Tomlinson, managing director and co-founder of Mirus IT.

CEO of Relentless Solutions Jim-Barry Behar's drive for constant improvement led him to reevaluate his company’s relationship with his lagging PSA. “We had a longstanding investment in a professional services automation (PSA) platform that had lost its luster,” Behar said, “Largely due to poor relationships with its partners and its customer advisory group.” After switching to ConnectWise Manage, he can’t believe it took him so long.

In fact, the longer you stick it out with subpar tools, the more money you lose in the long run. Using the right tools can save your company time and money due to improved efficiency. We all know the saying “time is money.” The time value of money (TVM) is a concept that asserts that money you have now is worth more than the same sum of money in the future due to its potential earning capacity. As a result, taking longer than necessary to make the switch to the right tools could literally mean losing money.

Tackling Resistance to Change

Do any of these excuses sound familiar?

  • “We’ve always done things this way!”
  • “We’ve already invested too much money into this.”
  • “Switching now would be too much of a hassle.”

There’s a perfectly logical explanation as to why there might be resistance to switching your PSA or RMM: the sunk cost fallacy. According to, this is where we tend to continue a behavior due to previously invested resources (time, money or effort).

When the time came to switch their PSA software, Jim-Barry Behar had to face the inevitable. “Our team was understandably apprehensive. We were very heavily invested, both financially and from a business perspective, in our existing PSA solution. Change is rarely easy, but sometimes it’s necessary.” Behar said.

Behar listened to his team’s concerns, but knew it was the right time to make a change. And since Relentless Solutions, like you, has guided countless clients through complex software transitions, he also knew what he needed to do to ensure the transition went smoothly.

The ConnectWise Difference

As the market leader, ConnectWise provides technology solution providers with the only transformational partnership to support their business success, as evidenced by:

“It doesn’t matter if you’re a VAR, a MSP, a CSP, or whatever — that’s all just a bunch of alphabet soup,” Behar said. “If you’re in the technology space and you need to interact with your clients in a professional, predictable, programmable way, and you want something that’s both coherent and cohesive integrated with other products, the choice is obvious. There’s only one product, and that’s ConnectWise.”

Author Jeff Bishop is chief product officer at ConnectWise. Read more guest blogs from ConnectWise here.