
Optimize Your Tech Stack to Achieve Unprecedented Success in 2020


With 2020 here, it’s time to prepare in every way possible to set your business up for success in the coming year. And in today’s world, driving improvement at scale is all about leveraging the best technology available—whether that means refining, updating, or completely revamping your technology stack.

As an IT service provider, selling and delivering leading-edge technology is what you do best. But ensuring that you have the best possible internal solutions is the key to running as smoothly and successfully as possible.

Author: Jeff Bishop, CPO, ConnectWise
Jeff Bishop, CPO, ConnectWise

Taking your business to the next level in 2020 starts with optimizing your organization today. Equipping your business with the tools it needs to maximize efficiency will play an integral role in helping you keep up with competitors and market demand. Here are some tips to help you build a tech stack that will allow you to gain operational efficiency, increase productivity and profitability, boost satisfaction, and, in the true New Year’s spirit, give your company a fresh start.

Keep Up With an Accelerating Industry

With so many technology platforms, products, and solutions on the market, many service providers find it hard to find time to fully research and implement the right tools for their business.

To maximize your organization's potential in the coming year, adopting a one-stop-shop solution is a crucial first step. By consolidating, streamlining, and connecting all of your systems across a single, fully integrated platform—and building out additional compatible solutions from there—your business will be more adaptable, sustainable, and flexible in the face of an unpredictable and ever-changing technological landscape.

Even if operational inefficiencies, like slow manual processes and technical downtime, held you back this year, 2020 doesn’t have to be more of the same. ConnectWise offers the most popular platform in the IT service industry, as well as integration for specialized tasks and operations. ConnectWise Manage®, our industry-leading professional services automation (PSA) solution, can help you minimize manual tasks, streamline chaotic and disconnected workflows, and run a more efficient and profitable business.

Seamlessly manage contracts, agreements, and renewals, deliver invoices on time, automate ticket entry and time capture, and obtain a secure and accurate record of all client service history—empowering your organization to make more informed decisions based on past experiences. In fact, thanks to ConnectWise Manage, ChannelPro-SMB and ChannelPro Network readers even named us the Best PSA Vendor in its 2019 Readers’ Choice Awards.

Become a Market Leader by Prioritizing Automation

When it comes to looking ahead and thinking about the future of work and technology, automation dominates the conversation. From artificial intelligence (AI) to machine learning (ML), robotics to cobotics, automation has become, for many people, a little-understood entity that may be more threatening than comforting. But as an IT service provider, you know that automation is not just futuristic: it’s practical—and it can help your business get ahead.

ConnectWise Automate® is a leading remote monitoring and management (RMM) solution that enables your organization to eliminate tedious manual tasks, boost end-to-end visibility, and proactively monitor a device. Perhaps, best of all, this tool can anticipate, detect, and even solve many IT issues before they cause any downtime.

ConnectWise Automate arms you with the tools you need to gain practical insights that can help you run your business better. Increase productivity and efficiency and improve the quality and accuracy of your service delivery—while making your team’s lives easier.

Making the switch to automation is more than just timely: it’s game-changing. With ConnectWise Automate at the helm, the ConnectWise platform and product suite automate the entire lifecycle of technology service delivery, from sales and service to project tracking and back-office functions—and they do so successfully for over 27,000 partners in more than 65 countries. That’s why in ChannelPro-SMB and ChannelPro Network’s 2019 Readers’ Choice Awards, ConnectWise also took home the gold for Best Integrated RMM/PSA Suite Vendor and Best RMM Vendor.

Build a Sales Process to Keep Up With Your Growth

Improvements to your business management and service delivery need to be matched with an updated sales process. If you’re not making upgrades to how your sales team sells your services, you’re missing out on potential business and growth. Time-consuming, manual quoting extends your sales cycle, causing prospects to lose patience and look for other options.

ConnectWise Sell® shows automation isn’t just for service delivery. With quote and proposal automation, ConnectWise Sell has become the leading quote and proposal solution in the industry. Quote templates cut quote creation down from hours to minutes, integrations with top distributors reduce costly pricing errors, and the integration with ConnectWise Manage makes sales handoffs happen in just a few clicks.

Businesses are experiencing selling in a whole new light and getting quotes in front of customers faster than ever before. These game-changing benefits have led ConnectWise Sell to being named the Best Quoting tool in the ChannelPro Magazine 2010 Reader’s Choice Awards.

Get Your Business Ready for the Future

At ConnectWise, it’s our forward-thinking approach to technology that helps us stay ahead of the curve in an incredibly competitive landscape. By adopting our platform and products, you can take a similar approach, equipping your business with the tools it needs for a bright future.

Our business management solutions are used by 70% of the companies on the MSPmentor 501 Global Edition list, an annual ranking of the top 501 managed service providers (MSPs) in the world. That means our technology is empowering the majority of the most successful MSPs across the globe—and we’re proud to help businesses of all sizes along their journey to making (and staying on) the list.

Our solutions aren’t just best-in-class today. They’re designed to evolve alongside your business—today, tomorrow, and in years to come.

Start 2020 on the right foot. Build a tech stack that helps you work more efficiently and outpace the competition–because exceptional service delivery is more important now than ever.

Jeff Bishop is Chief Product Officer at ConnectWise. Read more ConnectWise guest blogs here.