
Introducing Stories from The IT Nation: A ConnectWise Podcast


The IT Nation is dedicated to sharing business advice and best practices that can help your company thrive, which is why we’re thrilled to share our podcast – Stories from The IT Nation! Each episode will focus on a different business challenge or topic, and offer practical advice brought to you by ConnectWise colleagues and members of The IT Nation community.

Topics include...

Kevin Bahr, ConnectWise
Kevin Bahr, ConnectWise
Greg Zolkos, Atlas Professional Services

1. Business Continuity: Kevin Bahr, ConnectWise Senior Solution Strategist, and Greg Zolkos, CEO of Atlas Professional Services, share advice for how to prepare your business—and your clients’ businesses—for disaster, and keep them operational if disaster strikes. Tune In: Listen here.

Reese Ormand, CEO, Techvera

2. Inbound Marketing: Another episode features Sarah Buscaino, Senior Manager of Digital Marketing at ConnectWise, and Reese Ormand, CEO of TechVera, who talk about inbound marketing, how it can increase your business’s authority, and tactics your business can include in your marketing plan. Tune In: Listen here.

Brett Cheloff, ConnectWise

3. Culture and Productivity: One of the most impactful episodes features Vice President of ConnectWise Automate Brett Cheloff as he shares his thoughts and examples about how culture impacts productivity, how to define core values and behavior preferences, and how to use this knowledge to drive the best hiring decisions. Tune In: Listen here.

Alona Bolotnikova, TK
Brian Troy, ConnectWise

4. Customer Experience, Service and Retention: In the most recent episode, Director of Product Marketing at ConnectWise Brian Troy discuss the role customer service plays in client retention, how to create a better customer experience, and the risks of not getting customer service right with Chief Perfectionist of Perfecting Service, Alona Bolotnikova. Tune In: Listen here.

More Episodes

Join us each month as we discuss different topics to continue your business education, such as the importance of culture in your organization, the business value of technology teams and more. You can tune in to Stories from The IT Nation on the website or through Apple and Google Play podcasts.

Guest blog courtesy of ConnectWise. Read more ConnectWise blogs here.