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MSPs Look For Built-in Monitoring With AIOps

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Built-in monitoring and native instrumentation are top of mind for MSPs when it comes to artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps), according to a new study.

The study, released by OpsRamp, concludes that AIOps is delivering real benefits for enterprises and MSPs, even as two-thirds of respondents have concerns about how accurate the data going into their AIOps systems is.

AIOps is a term that was first coined by Gartner. It’s the application of artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, such as natural language processing and machine learning models, to automate and streamline operational workflows.

The OpsRamp State of AIOps 2023 study showed that, as economic headwinds rise, enterprises and MSPs are focusing on improving IT efficiency and automation in 2023. Indeed, MSPs cited improving operational efficiencies as their biggest challenge to achieving steady growth and profitability, while enterprises pointed to automating as many operations as possible as the biggest need or challenge they were trying to overcome in 2023, the study’s authors pointed out.

Automation Through AIOps

While more than 60% of respondents were adopting AIOps to improve service and application availability and performance, the second and third top choices were for automation of operations (58%) and processes (54%).

Other key findings from the study included:

  • Application to infrastructure dependency mapping is the top incident management challenge for enterprises and MSPs, cited by 64% of total respondents.
  • Intelligent alerting is the No. 1 use case for AIOps today for both enterprises (70%) and MSPs (66%).
  • The vast majority of AIOps implementations—more than 80%—take six months or less.
  • Data accuracy was respondents’ biggest concern about AIOps, cited by 70% of MSPs and 62% of enterprises.
  • AIOps is creating jobs, not killing them, though engineers with the right skillsets for AIOps remain hard to find. Just 36% of respondents were concerned about AIOps deployment causing job loss while 68% said it takes more than six months to hire engineers with the right skillsets for AIOps

Suresh Vobbilesetty, executive vice president of engineering at OpsRamp, commented on the findings:

“The study shows that AIOps is real and is delivering tangible benefits for enterprises and MSPs. But it also shows that organizations’ AIOps initiatives remain a work in progress and have a ways to go before they can realize the full potential of the technology. OpsRamp, with hybrid and multi-cloud discovery and monitoring, proactive event management and intelligent automation on a single platform, can help these organizations achieve their AIOps goals faster.”