Good morning, channel partners. I woke up at Continuum Navigate in Las Vegas. But ChannelE2E also continues to monitor the broader IT channel for news, views, insights, chatter and rumors. In fact, here are five updates from around the industry to start your day.Actually, today's update includes seven updates for VARs, managed services providers (MSPs) and cloud services providers (CSPs) to sip on.7. I've Got A Bad Feeling About This: If Ray Lane had his way, the former Hewlett-Packard chairman would have blocked HP's $11 billion buyout of Autonomy in 2011, according to The Wall Street Journal. The deal, driven by former HP CEO Leo Apotheker, was a disaster that later triggered an $8.8 billion write down. Apotheker and HP parted ways shortly after the deal was completed...6. New Home, New Talent:Samsung has a new Silicon Valley headquarters. And the grapevine says the company has made some key channel moves that have yet to be announced... Hmmm... Wish I could say more. But mum's the word for now.
5. How to Bootstrap A SaaS Company: So, you want to build a SaaS, cloud or app-centric company. Conventional wisdom says you'll need to raise seed money, angel investor dollars or venture capital. But it's also possible to bootstrap (i.e., self-fund) your business. MindMeister's executives share their bootstrapping story here.
4. All Aboard: Google is putting WiFi in 400 train stations across India. Hmmm... Roughly a decade ago, I recall Long Island solution provider Craig Plunkett (pictured) proposing a range of WiFi capabilities for Long Island Rail Road. Alas, LIRR was way-late with WiFi, but Plunkett managed to bring public WiFi hotspots to many other areas across Long Island long before the iPhone and smartphones emerged. The takeaway? The IT channel often sees big trends and opportunities before IT giants get on board.
3. Google's 10 Craziest Acquisitions: Check out the list and you'll see just how dramatically the search giant may -- or may not -- evolve in the years ahead...
2. Big Data in Government: Ever wonder how the U.S. federal government plans to leverage big data? Dhanurjay “DJ” Patil -- the first ever chief data scientist for the United States government -- offers some timely answers, which may help IT service providers shape their government engagements.
1. Next Stop: I'm at Continuum Navigate through Tuesday evening (Sept. 29), then heading to Strata+Hadoop World on Wednesday (Sept. 30) in New York. Packed schedule with at least one big channel chief surprise expected -- though I don't know if my source is willing to spill the beans yet...
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Joe Panettieri is co-founder & editorial director of MSSP Alert and ChannelE2E, the two leading news & analysis sites for managed service providers in the cybersecurity market.