Good morning, channel partners. Here are five technology news updates, insights, chatter, and plenty more to start your day for Monday, April 24, 2017.Actually, there are 10 updates for VARs, managed services providers (MSPs), cloud services providers (CSPs), independent software vendors (ISVs), telco master agents and telco agents to sip on.10. SDN War: Is VMware taking new steps to block Cisco's software-define networking (SDN) strategy? Hmmm....Ginni Rometty
9. Talent & Compensation:IBM CEO Ginni Rometty's compensation plan is under the microscope. At first glance it's $33 million per year, but take a closer look and the total package with stock options is 50 percent more than that, according to critics. The compensation plan scrutiny arrives in time for IBM's shareholder meeting on Tuesday. Some shareholders are upset because IBM's stock has returned less than 0.1 percent during Rometty's five years as CEO, according to Bloomberg.8. Avaya Financials:Avaya's Q2 2017 revenue will be roughly $800 million to $803 million, an 11 percent decline from Q2 2016, according to preliminary unaudited estimates from the company. Adjusted EBITDA is expected to be in the range of $195 million to $200 million, or 24.4% to 24.9% of revenue. In addition, the cash balance is expected to be approximately $764 million, reflecting DIP financing proceeds and positive cash flow from operations, the company said. Finalized results will arrive in May. Avaya is navigating the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy process and seeking approval for a reorganization plan.7. HIPAA Violation: The Center for Children’s Digestive Health in Chicago will pay a $31,000 HIPAA fine. Neither the center nor an associated contractor -- FileFax, which stores medical records -- had a signed business associate agreement. FileFax was accused in 2005 of dumping medical records in an unlocked trash container.6. President Trump Cybersecurity Plan:It's overdue.
1. Coming This Thursday: We'll unveil the Top 100 Vertical Market MSPs 2017 list and research this Thursday during our latest ChannelE2E webcast. Register now and join us.
Joe Panettieri is co-founder & editorial director of MSSP Alert and ChannelE2E, the two leading news & analysis sites for managed service providers in the cybersecurity market.