Networking, MSP, Content, Small business

Kaseya, RapidFire Tools Ease Cyber Insurance Audits for MSPs


RapidFire Tools Inc., a Kaseya company, has launched Audit Guru for Cyber Insurance. The tool is designed to document and demonstrate “due care” by cyber insurance policy-holders, helping them to receive payout in the event of a claim, RapidFire says.

Twitter: @RapidFireTools
Twitter: @RapidFireTools

In a prepared statement for MSPs, RapidFire Tools said the offering:

"empowers MSPs with a methodical assessment process that combines automated data collection with a validation engine to verify and document compliance with cyber insurance requirements. Once installed on the policyholder’s network, Audit Guru regularly scans the environment to identify any changes that should be remediated, reducing the risk of denial of cyber insurance claims in the event of an incident."

The tool comes at a critical time for businesses and their MSPs. Although demand for cyber insurance is rising rapidly, many policy holders don't understand the nuances of their coverage, and potential challenges they'll face when filing a claim. Also, much of the cyber insurance market is focused in the enterprise, though some offerings increasingly target small businesses.

> Related: Track all cyber insurance news and analysis on MSSP Alert, our sister site.

Kaseya, Rivals Acquire Cybersecurity Companies

Kaseya acquired RapidFire Tools in 2018. The acquired business develops MSP software for internal threat detection, network and security assessments, and compliance products. More recently, Kaseya also acquired ID Agent for Dark Web Monitoring. Although Kaseya is moving aggressively into the cybersecurity market, most major MSP software vendors also are making acquisitions in various cyber segments.

Joe Panettieri

Joe Panettieri is co-founder & editorial director of MSSP Alert and ChannelE2E, the two leading news & analysis sites for managed service providers in the cybersecurity market.