Recently, Liongard surveyed MSP leaders and managers in various roles about their biggest challenges within their practice. Two of the top challenges cited were:
- Implementing new tools, and
- Making time to do everything that needs to be done (see implementing new tools above)

Not utilizing time-saving tools and spinning your wheels just to keep up, unfortunately, indicate reactive behavior. After all, if you’re always behind the curve, you’ll never be able to get out in front of issues. And if you’re spending all your time reacting, there’s no time left to implement the tools and processes that would ultimately make your work life easier and allow you to serve your clients proactively.
Yet proactive support strengthens client relationships, which are precisely what drive MSP growth. According to Datto’s third annual MSP Metrics that Matter Benchmarking Survey, 68% of MSP respondents cite client relationships as the key factor for rising renewal rates. Translation: you must become a trusted advisor to IT strategy—a mindset shift from tech provider to customer service professional. Are you ready to set a new standard of service for your clients?
Making Technology Work For You
Luckily, technology plays a large part in the ability to be proactive in this industry. However, it does require tackling the two aforementioned challenges: making the time to do what you know needs to be done, and implementing new tools so you can start becoming a proactive service provider.
Plato said long ago, “The beginning is the most important part of the work.” It's easier said than done, but true nonetheless. You must make a commitment, today, to put time on your calendar to begin making automation work for you. It really is an investment: dedicate the resources now to set up operational efficiencies, and it will start paying you back—with interest—almost immediately, in the form of time savings, customer satisfaction, growth potential and more.
The more successful managed services providers we have spoken with understood this. So when they implement tools, they dedicate the resource or resources to getting things done. Even when it is at risk of pushing off their existing customers, they knew that this would be time well spent. Also, don’t forget to keep a resource that owns your tools, and develop a roadmap for taking advantage of the many features.
So, How Do You Get Started?
- Dedicate resources. Start off strong by committing to implement the new tool.
- Obtain “BUY IN”. Gain support of the investment.
- Get to value. What is impactful?
- Track how it’s benefiting the company.
Read our latest case study on how TeamLogic IT of Memphis is reaping the rewards of ROAR!
David Nankervis is head of account management at Liongard. Read more Liongard guest blogs here.