Cognitive Computing to the Rescue
"The future is Cognitive" is a much heard phrase these days. And it is true, processing power and machine learning will sky-rocket IT into an era where better decisions can be made by computers. But when you look at the currently available technologies, it is clear that the cognitive era is already here. IBM has been a leader in this space for some years now, ever since IBM Watson won the game of Jeopardy! IBM Watson has stepped out of the laboratories and is or will be incorporated in IBM products. One example is IBM Datacap Insight Edition which IBM announced at Insight 2015.This approach is so different from how humans read documents and classify them. Take for instance a letter. With the above approach, the letter would be classified as correspondence and be sent to a correspondence answering process in the organization. Once it reaches the first human in the process, he or she will read the document and determine that it concerns an inquiry for an insurance claim. Thus, the document is sent off to the insurance claims handling process, and so forth. What the reviewer does is look at the structure, many times the most important information in a letter is in the second or third paragraph. We start with the letter head with address and salutations, the introductory paragraph, followed by the real message in the following paragraphs, ending with the closing and signature.So what makes IBM Datacap Insight Edition different? In the past, capture processes had to be extended with custom capabilities to integrate these values and assemble business objects from these values. These objects and values are still reviewed by humans to correct errors in classification of the document or refining the metadata values.Cognitive Computing Will Disrupt ECM
This cognitive way of working will disrupt ECM, because it will provide a faster and higher quality of the classification. Before you can derive insights from the data, you need to know the value of the data. And once you know the value you can substantially act upon it. Classifying the data by leveraging analytics and cognitive computing at the start of the document lifecycle, in the capture process, has shown a precision rate of 95-98%1. No human can do this, with this precision.
The here and now is already cognitive, take some examples discussed by my colleague Ron Tolido. Organizations who use these technologies will derive insights from data; making sure that they are able to put a price tag on the data first. They will maneuver through the waves and take control of where the wave is heading, managing that part of the data. Those who will be fighting off the waves of data might be spending a lot of time and effort analyzing data that have no business value. If you see the data flood coming and you don’t want to drown in a document disaster, catch the next wave and take off.
- 1Note these are figures from Proof of Concepts, performed by IBM at various clients.
- Image courtesy of IBM presented in client facing presentations used at IBM Insight 2015.
Patrick van der Horst is a managing consultant at Capgemini. Read more Capgemini blogs here.