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Google Cloud Platform and Cask Data: 3 Potential Developer Benefits

Google Cloud Platform’s William Vambenepe
Google Cloud Platform's William Vambenepe

Like many companies over the past decade, Cask Data originally promoted on-premise deployments of its open source Cask Data Application Platform (CDAP). The offering helps enterprise customers build and run big data solutions.

Of course, as companies rushed to adopt cloud infrastructure for enterprise data lakes, data analytics, and machine learning projects, Cask had to change course toward the cloud. That including making a bet on Google Cloud Platform.

That bet recently paid off when Google came knocking and acquired the company. So what do Google partners and customers gain from Cask? The short answer involves three potential benefits:

  • Self-Service with Guardrails - CDAP enables IT to create a self-service experience for data ingestion to data delivery with minimal intervention, while putting in the necessary “guardrails” for enterprise oversight and control.
  • Build Once, Run Anywhere - CDAP encapsulates data access patterns and business logic to enable portability and reusability across on-premises, cloud, and hybrid environments on all major Hadoop distributions and cloud providers.
  • Enterprise-Ready - CDAP is an open and standards-based architecture that provides extensive security, compliance and resiliency features to support the scale and risk profile of a modern enterprise big data platform.

The company claims the combination of CDAP and GCP will give enterprise developers new levels of accessibility, performance and scale.

In a prepared statement William Vambenepe, group product manager, Google Cloud said: “We are committed to open source, and look forward to driving the CDAP project’s growth within the broader developer community.” Further details of the deal were not disclosed.

Google appears to be making headway in the highly competitive cloud services space. The company's cloud revenues pushed beyond the $1 billion per quarter run rate in 2017 -- lower than AWS and Azure, but growing rapidly nonetheless.

Google is leveraging a blend of organic growth and acquisitions to drive momentum. Additional buyouts have included  Velostrata, and partner efforts increasingly target MSPs.