We all have pet peeves. And the longer you've been in an industry, the more pet peeves you might have.
So we asked experts about their biggest pet peeves. We got some fascinating answers across MSP marketing, MSP sales, technician productivity, and MSP hiring, among others.
So there it is. Twenty experts answering the much-coveted question: What's your biggest MSP pet peeve?
And a small warning — there are too many insights. Make sure you have your pen and paper handy.
1. Nigel Moore
Nigel is an expert when it comes to MSP. He runs his community for managed service providers, and when it comes from him, you better listen!
"People allowing ego to get in front of the way of doing good work."
Nigel Moore
Founder, The Tech Tribe
Elaborating on this, Nigel feels that it's okay for MSP owners to make mistakes. The key? Make sure you acknowledge them and don't let ego pop up from reversing a decision.
2. Todd Kane
Can you solve people's problems with tools, automation, and process? Never. That's Todd's biggest MSP pet peeve.
"What I see really consistently is owners and businesses trying to solve people problems with technology."
Todd Kane
President, Evolved Management Consulting
And this comes in many forms — they set up workflows to get people to do certain things, and they trigger events to get things done. And I need you to do this. But techs are smart. They will find ways to delete these nagging emails.
You know what you need to fix? The people. The culture. And good processes are a by-product of that!
3. Andrew Moon
"People trying to sell me stuff all the time."
Andrew Moon
Founder, Orange Nomad
Need we say more? Build relationships, be genuine and be a go-giver. Sales is just an after-effect of you being authentic and helpful!
You remember that person who starts selling products as soon as you accept their connection request? Don't be that person!
4. Colin Knox
"My biggest MSP pet peeve would probably be that so many MSPs just don't answer the phone."
Colin Knox
Founder and CEO, Gradient MSP
You work so hard to create interest and generate leads to grow your business. And then, when prospects do call, you don't respond to the calls promptly. And the same goes for website chat!
Start answering. Your next million deal is waiting!
5. Vera Tucci
"My biggest MSP pet peeve, oh my gosh, losing my PSA."
Co Owner and CFO
T-Consulting Srl
Imagine putting your PSA tool or your MSP software to great use! And then imagine losing your PSA? You don't want to speculate. Let's hope and pray that it doesn't happen! When choosing a PSA software, look for a business partner and not just a software vendor.
6. Andrew Moore
"When we tell a client to do something 100 times, and then we lose the account, and another MSP comes in and tells him to do the same thing."
Andrew Moore
COO, Iron Edge Group
I'm sure you've been there and experienced that. "Being an MSP owner is easy," said no one ever!
MSPs just stop with telling their clients what needs to be done. Be proactive in keeping your customers informed on the adversities of not doing something. Get them to clearly understand the risks involved and they are more likely to empathize with you.
7. Pete Matheson
"Lying about things? I don't like to make stuff up."
Pete Matheson
IT business coach
Ever had expectations mismatch. Remember how you felt then—frustrated, angry, disappointed? Don't be that MSP. Underpromise and overdeliver, always!
8. Chris Wiser
"Thinking that MSP sales & MSP marketing is a complete waste of money and a scam."
Chris Wiser
Founder and CEO, The Wiser Agency
If you're not going to focus your time, energy, and resources on marketing your MSP, you're really missing out on a ton of opportunities to grow your business!
9. Richard Tubb
"MSPs owners not using their personality to stand out!"
Richard Tubb
IT business growth expert, Tubblog
Why do you think people buy from you or do business with you?
There is a reason that your clients work with you. And you are the special sauce in your business. They work with you because of something that you do especially for them. And we couldn't agree more with Richard.
10. Giovanni
"Thinking of marketing and sales as one-night stands."
Founder, Honey LLC
I don't think anyone could have said it better. If you want to stand out your go-to-market efforts need to be consistent.
Consistency eats intensity for breakfast. Period.
11. James Vickery
"Focussing too much on MSP technology, MSP software and not on growth."
James Vickery
CEO, Benchmark 365
According to James, many MSP owners focus too much on technology. Always remember: it's easy to find people to do technology, it's hard to find people that are willing to get on the front foot and do sales and marketing to grow their business.
12. Ryan Morris
"MSPs discounting the service they offer."
Ryan Morris
Principal consultant, Morris Management Partners
I think that that's one of our biggest, most common challenges as an industry and it is entirely voluntary. Every discount you give is voluntary. You could always choose to say no.
13. Paul Green
"Thinking of marketing as a one-time effort."
Paul Green
Owner, MSP Marketing Edge
We tried social media for a few weeks, and it didn't work. No marketing works if you just do it for a couple of weeks. Consistent effort reaps great results.
14. Maddy Martin
"Using too many jargons in your conversations and website."
Maddy Martin
VP of marketing, Smith.ai
'Supercharge'. 'Transform'. 'Boost'. It's high time we stop using these terms in our MSP websites and marketing materials. In Maddy's words "Just talk to me like a third grader".
15. Esther Deustech
"I think it's just having people maybe market themselves one way, but then deliver something different when it comes to service?"
Operations Manager
RCS Professional Services
Ah, well! Do we say more?
16. Dave Sobel
"Overthinking tools. It's a big no!"
Dave Sobel
Owner, MSP Radio
Dave is not here to say you don't do tech. But hey! does it deserve all the time, money, and resources put into it? Can some of that be used to bolster your growth?
17. Shruti Ghatge
"Only talk no action."
Shruti Ghatge
CEO, Zomentum
You know there's a shortcut to being great. Say what you will do. And do it.
18. Jeff Ton
"My biggest pet peeve is unorganized people."
Jeff Ton
Speaker and Author, Ton Enterprises
No great business thrives on poor planning. So if you're an MSP owner, it's time to put your day planners and productivity tools to use!
19. Micheal Breeze
"Thinking of marketing in tactics."
Micheal Breeze
EMEA Director of Channel, Pax8
As an MSP owner you need to understand that tactics and hacks cannot be the silver bullet to your marketing woes. If your MSP's marketing doesn't have a strategy to be at the right time at the right place, you will continue to see meager returns.
20. Nate Freedman
"Not selling when there's a need."
Nate Freedman
CEO, Tech Pro Marketing
When a prospect is screaming "Hey, I just want to help to buy this," you better sell. When people clearly want to buy something, not recognizing that and over networking instead of selling is not going to help your cause!
What would you add? I'm pretty sure your MSP will go places if you avoid at least 50% of the MSP pet peeves in here.
Guest blog courtesy of SuperOps.ai. Read more guest blogs from SuperOps.ai here.