
Liongard’s Vendor Neutrality Benefits MSPs and RMMs


It’s full steam ahead at Liongard when it comes to our Inspector development. In Q4 of 2020, we released three remote monitoring and management (RMM) Inspectors—for SolarWinds N-central, NinjaRMM and Datto RMM—making endpoint security monitoring much easier for MSPs who use these systems.

With so many Inspectors, we’ve been asked more than once by vendors, “Why should we partner with Liongard? What’s in it for us?” RMMs in particular want to know how working with Liongard will help, not hurt, their businesses.

How does Liongard complement RMM providers?

What we stress more than anything when this question comes up is that Liongard complements what RMMs offer, not competes with it. That’s because Liongard and RMMs, in fact, do two different things, and are not threats to one another’s existence.


  • …monitors in real time.
  • …provides alerts and reporting, but with limitations.
  • …manages and manipulates endpoint information.

While Liongard…

  • …automatically refreshes data from the RMM every day.
  • …keeps a historical timeline of changes so engineers can investigate issues with ease.
  • …provides robust alerts delivered straight to a PSA.
  • …allows for reporting on any metric captured.
  • …provides unified visibility—but cannot manipulate endpoint information.

Each system has its own advantages—and together, they provide a comprehensive view for MSPs.

Liongard customers requested that we develop Inspectors for their RMMs to make their lives easier—a sure sign that Liongard works in harmony, not in competition, with RMMs and delivers added benefits.

How does partnering with Liongard help an RMM?

Combining an RMM with Liongard ensures MSPs have unified visibility, issue detection and prevention, and robust analysis. The efficiency and convenience of having their RMM information accessible in Liongard—a platform they already use to manage cloud, network and endpoints—increases client satisfaction and makes them “stickier” for their RMM. After all, who would change such a large component of their IT composition when it’s been serving them so well?

Why release Inspectors for competing RMMs?

We’re in the business of making life easier for MSPs, and because MSPs use a number of different RMMs, we remain “vendor agnostic.” By releasing Inspectors for many RMMs, Liongard is more accessible to more MSPs. This neutrality means more MSPs can use our automation to get to 10X—and better serve their customers, so they too can operate at 10X.

The Bottom Line

Liongard takes the mayhem out of managing dozens of systems for hundreds of customers through unified visibility. RMMs aren’t going anywhere, but MSPs need to be able to look at a single pane of glass to manage all of their systems proactively and efficiently. Liongard’s partnerships with RMMs gives MSPs the endpoint data they need to stay competitive and keep their customers happy.

Are you an MSP? Join us for a demo to see how you can standardize, secure and scale your IT Managed Services with Liongard.

Are you an RMM? Interested in integrating with Liongard? Please contact us to get started.

Guest blog courtesy of Liongard. Read more guest blogs from Liongard here.