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IT By Design’s Top Five MSP Talent Predictions for 2022


Our decades of experience in providing the MSP market with high-quality talent in many areas – from dedicated engineers to RMM virtual administration – provides IT By Design (ITBD) with deep insights into staffing challenges and solutions. So armed with that knowledge, members of our leadership team took a peek into the crystal ball for 2022 and share with you what they believe the future holds for the talent sector in the MSP industry.

Sunny Kaila, CEO, IT By Design
Sunny Kaila, CEO, IT By Design

#1 Sunny Kaila, CEO

The current unemployment rate in the IT sector is a historically low -2.5 % and I believe that this trend will continue in 2022. While this very low rate will continue to hinder MSPs from recruiting and retaining high-quality talent, it will push them to become more creative in their recruiting strategies and use alternative avenues, such as third-party partners like ITBD, to source the needed talent in their workplaces.

Kam Kaila, partner and president, IT By Design

#2 Kam Kaila, President

Culture will be the key in 2022. The year ahead will be one of change and a different way of integrating a diverse, dispersed workforce. With both a remote and on-prem workforce, companies turning to third parties for staff augmentation and automation will all need to focus on how to align their strategic goals, maintain employee health, manage customer expectations, and align team growth with organizational goals. It’s going to require focus and intentionality from every MSP in order to maintain their current workforce and attract the “right” candidates for future growth. 

Javid Khan, CTO, IT By Design

#3 Javid Khan, Chief Technology Officer

I see the need for IT talent continuing on this rapid growth in 2022. Many companies predicted a recession and reduction in work, but a surprising positive is that the country is returning to business faster than expected and businesses are prospering. There was also a prediction of a COVID resurgence this fall and winter, but I think we’re getting a pretty good hold of the pandemic. With prosperity comes growth and with growth in 2022 comes the need for IT talent since all businesses depend on technology. The existing challenge is that companies are growing faster than their talent can and they need to source people. With the supply lower than the demand, the costs are going up. 


#4 Tom Oberecker, Chief Sales Officer

As the rush for technical talent continues to grow at an unprecedented rate, the need for sales people in the IT space will also be very competitive. So I believe that in 2022 you must be extra creative in your search and hiring process, not only selling the value your company brings to that individual but also presenting them with a pathway to success that they can clearly envision. Develop a career plan with the candidate during the interview process will show your investment in their onboarding and far into the future. Obviously, most sales professionals want to make a great living financially, but a sincere focus on providing a great culture in your workplace can make a big difference in securing top talent.

Todd Billiar

#5 Todd Billiar, Director of Channel Partnerships

Traditionally – prior to the Covid pandemic – MSPs weren’t open to hiring remote team members. But in our “new normal” world MSPs are more open to offsite employees. This is a trend that I believe will not only continue through 2022 but grow because of the increased need for tech talent to support clients for extended hours and/or 24/7. This will lead to a higher investment in partnering with vendors like ITBD for round-the-clock coverage. Also contributing to this greater acceptance of remote staff is the challenge of recruiting local, top-tier talent, like engineers. With advanced online communications, that needed talent can now reside anywhere in the world and still provide highly reliable service to clients.

This guest blog is courtesy of IT By Design. Read more IT By Design guest blogs here. Regularly contributed guest blogs are part of ChannelE2E’s sponsorship program.