MSP, Cloud migration

How MSPs can help clients navigate the shift to cloud services

Three ways to shift left

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are increasingly adopting cloud-based services to enhance productivity, collaboration, and scalability. Popular solutions like Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) offer organizations the flexibility and agility they need to stay competitive. Yet for a business that’s already operating successfully on a more traditional infrastructure, transitioning to these cloud platforms can be complex and challenging.

MSPs must play a vital role in assisting clients throughout this migration process, ensuring a smooth and secure transition. Let’s explore how you can navigate the shift to cloud-based services, with a focus on preserving data backups and continuity, ensuring security, and understanding the shared responsibility model.

The role of MSPs in cloud migration

MSPs act as trusted partners, guiding clients through the transition to cloud-based services. Clients are relying on your expertise and experience to facilitate a successful migration. Your job is to help them assess their infrastructure, identify suitable cloud solutions, and develop a migration strategy that aligns with their specific business needs. Your goal? Ensure that the cloud migration process is seamless, minimizing disruptions and optimizing productivity.

Your clients are likely to face various challenges during the transition to cloud-based services. These may include unfamiliarity with the cloud environment, concerns about data security and privacy, and the need to reconfigure existing processes and workflows. As a trusted service provider, you can address these challenges by providing comprehensive support and guidance. Help clients understand the benefits and risks associated with cloud solutions, address their concerns directly, and develop a customized migration plan that will mitigate any potential issues.

Ensuring data continuity: Backup challenges in the cloud

Data continuity is a critical aspect of any cloud migration. If your clients were to face data loss or downtime — even briefly — the financial and reputational damages could be severe.

MSPs should assist clients in establishing new backup policies and procedures tailored to the cloud environment. This involves identifying suitable cloud backup tools and technologies that align with the client's service provider. Guide clients towards implementation of secure, accessible and redundant storage options for backup data, expanding protection beyond the (often simple) native features provided by these solutions and ensuring that critical information remains available in the event of an incident or data loss.

Regular testing and verification of backup and recovery processes are essential to guarantee data continuity. Educate clients about the importance of conducting periodic tests to validate the effectiveness of backup strategies. By simulating data loss scenarios and evaluating the recovery process, clients can rest easy with full confidence in their backup systems, minimizing downtime and maximizing business continuity.

Securing the cloud: Data safety challenges

As clients transition their operations to the cloud, data security becomes a paramount concern. MSPs must assist clients in meeting regulatory requirements for data protection and privacy.

Help clients understand any relevant compliance obligations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or industry-specific standards like HIPAA or PCI DSS, and ensure that the chosen cloud services comply with these regulations. You’ll also guide clients in deploying robust authentication and authorization controls within the cloud environment. Implementing best practices like multi-factor authentication, strong password policies and role-based access controls can prevent unauthorized data breaches and other privacy violations.

Advising clients on data encryption best practices is another crucial aspect of cloud security. You’ll need to help implement encryption mechanisms for data at rest and in transit within the cloud environment. Encryption ensures that even if data is compromised, it remains unintelligible to unauthorized parties.

Your clients will benefit from monitoring and logging tools, to detect and respond to potential cloud security threats promptly. Through continuous monitoring of cloud infrastructure, MSPs can identify anomalous activities, investigate security incidents and apply necessary remediation measures to maintain a secure environment.

Educating clients on the shared responsibility model in cloud security is vital. While cloud service providers like Microsoft, Google and AWS offer robust security measures, clients also have a role to play in safeguarding their own data. By understanding the division of security responsibilities between the client and the cloud service provider, clients can effectively implement additional security measures and maintain a strong security posture.

Purpose-built cloud migration tools for MSPs

MSPs have a crucial role to play in helping clients move to the cloud. The right tools will make this a seamless and efficient transition.

Acronis solutions offer robust support to simplify the process of cloud migration. Physical-to-Virtual-to-Cloud (P2V2C) conversion streamlines the transition of physical workloads onto cloud servers. Acronis also supports nearly every type of data storage for backups.

 By using a single console to back up, monitor and secure workloads both on-premises and in the cloud — limiting the need for time-consuming training and eliminating incompatibilities— service providers can control the cost and complexity of cloud migration.


Businesses are increasingly embracing cloud-based services like Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and AWS—and the many benefits they offer. MSPs are the key to helping clients unlock these benefits.

By assisting clients in establishing cloud backup policies, implementing robust data security measures, and educating them on the shared responsibility model, MSPs can help mitigate the challenges associated with the shift to cloud solutions. With their expertise and guidance, MSPs empower clients to leverage the full potential of cloud-based services while maintaining data continuity and protecting sensitive information. A strong partnership will help your client organizations navigate the cloud migration wave with confidence, and reap the benefits of increased productivity, scalability and collaboration.

Guest blog courtesy of Acronis.