How can MSPs fill their talent gaps through SaaS automation and outsourced experts? IT By Design CEO Sunny Kaila offers answers and perspectives.First, a little background: IT By Design, launched in 2003, has evolved from an MSP into a Master MSP -- and now positions as a services leader that assists MSPs with great talent. The company offers peer MSPs technical and operational talent “as a service” to help them scale, improve customer service, and drive profitability.Kaila further described that talent strategy in this March 2022 podcast with ChannelE2E. The conversation covers:
- 0:00 - Introductions
- 0:50 - How IT By Design helps MSPs to solve for three T's: (1) Technology talent; (2) talent alignment tools and (3) training.
- 2:43 - Digging deeper into the talent gap -- how IT By Design assists MSP partners.
- 4:19 - The types and sizes of MSPs that engage IT By Design for talent assistance.
- 6:01 - IT By Design's investment in SaaS-based software tools that address MSP talent needs.
- 8:59 - Achieving alignment between individual employee scorecards and overall company scorecards.
- 11:09 - Addressing the third T -- Training and learning at the Build IT Live 2022 conference as well as virtual sessions.
- 14:15 - How to reach IT By Design via web ( and email (reach Sunny or the team at [email protected] or [email protected]).
- 14:44 - Conclusion.