
Is It Okay to Announce Company News Right Now?


No doubt, most folks are focused on the following priorities right about now:

  1. Keep my family safe.
  2. Keep my employees and business safe.
  3. Serve my customers.
  4. Do all that while ensuring I play my role in slowing the coronavirus spread.

Amid that priority list, is it okay for businesses to announce company news? You know the list -- developments like:

  • New product launches & beta tests
  • Partnerships and strategic alliances
  • New hires or executive promotions
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Funding
  • Additional Business milestones
  • And so much more.

Share Your News -- Within Reason

My short answer:

  • Yes, it's okay to announce those types of developments at the current time.
  • Yes, your business innovations still warrant media coverage consideration at the current time.

I reserve the right to change my answer in the days and weeks ahead. But at this moment, I believe it's very important for your staff, partners, customers and the technology industry as a whole to see that we're all finding ways to move forward during the pandemic.

If you do announce company or industry news, I'd take extra care to frame the information responsibly:

Staying Safe, Staying Home and Covering the IT Channel

All that said, ChannelE2E and MSSP Alert look forward to continued updates from all of our sources across the technology industry. Our staff is staying safe and staying home. If fact, all of us have worked from home since the day we launched this business in 2014.

Fast forward to present day. Yes, we offer business guidance related to the coronavirus pandemic. But we're also committed to our more traditional day-to-day coverage of the IT industry.

Got news to share? Please email me the details: [email protected]. I may not have time to take a briefing. But if your news aligns with our content focus, then our team will make every effort to share your business developments with our readership.

Stay safe. Stay home. But keep the wheels of innovation turning in the IT channel. And let us know about that innovation.

Wishing you all the best.


Joe Panettieri

Joe Panettieri is co-founder & editorial director of MSSP Alert and ChannelE2E, the two leading news & analysis sites for managed service providers in the cybersecurity market.