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Microsoft Azure Cloud Migration Planning: Atmosera Unveils Assessment Program


When you talk about any kind of change or adjustment to business-critical applications, it can invoke terror in even the most fearless of managers. These are the applications that keep the business running on a day to day basis. Without access, work could come to a grinding halt, and revenue can take a serious hit. For this reason, migrations -- especially from client-server to the cloud -- are not taken lightly and are carefully planned and executed.

To mitigate such concerns, Atmosera, a Tier-I Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider, has unveiled an Azure Migration Assessment Program to evaluate website workloads and performance data -- and thereby develop an optimal cloud architecture.

The assessment is designed to analyze the customer’s current environment and helps prioritize requirements to optimize performance, realize continuous operation, and leverage automated testing for e-commerce and high-traffic websites. Customers receive an executive report showing exactly how to optimize their environment in Azure using WebApp Services, Azure CDN, and SQL PaaS.

According to the company, the assessment involves the following:

  • Workload utilization and a performance review for under/over provisioning of resources;
  • Storage capacity analysis;
  • Benchmarking of the IT environment to discover how many resources are being used by certain areas of the website, the website as a whole, and/or web-based applications;
  • Preparation of a detailed report on the current condition with recommendations for improvements and a roadmap that highlights investment options and tradeoffs with a focus on modernizing the environment, and
  • Deployment of a new architecture built in Azure which includes rapid and error-free release management using pre-integrated products such as Chef and Bitbucket to reduce manual quality control and deploy updates without breaking sites.

The company claims that with a detailed assessment of the site’s operating environment, organizations are provided the intelligence to ensure business flexibility, geographic reach, real-time monitoring, and performance that scales based on website demands that are factored into the design of an Azure-powered environment.

Assessments like these are important when planning cloud migrations. Especially given how much overspend is happening in the cloud currently. You can start your assessment by visiting their website's contact form. Unfortunately, while the tool is free, it is not available to use directly on their website and will take about two weeks to fully complete.

Dozens -- perhaps hundreds -- of CSPs and integrators now offer migration services to Azure, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform. We've identified 50 of the leading MSPs focused on AWS workloads. Stay tuned for additional updates in that area later this year...